BTC 27 018.46$
ETH 1 795.89$
LTC 80.07$
DOGE 0.0713$
BCH 113.31$


Roulette is a game based on random

The rules are simple - you place a bet and wait for the opponent's bet, the number of participants is not limited

As soon as the second participant places a bet, the round begins and the countdown starts, each game lasts 2 minutes or more, depending on the stakes

If less than 30 seconds remain before the end of the round - each new bet adds 5 seconds to the timer

Participants can join at any time of the round, but no later than 5 seconds before the end of the round

At the end of the time, the winner will be randomly selected from among the participants

The chance of winning is determined by the size of the bet relative to the entire pot, the higher the percentage, the higher the chance of winning

The winner returns his bid and takes 70% rates of other participants

Minimum bet - 0.10 rub.

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